Friday, October 23, 2009

thanks to my folks

today is my birthday.

here i am. its a gorgeous day. i love a fall birthday. 

i am 
yoga (bike as transportation. love it.)
work meeting (feels good)
dashing diva ('nypd blue' color choice)
andrew (he's good)
sushi  (terry richardson spotting)
 photo party (reunion of sorts)
 wine (nightcap)

today i'm grateful..and SHOCKED. 
really, where does the time go?

get in line

for sam's falafel!

i mean i really try not to stand in line for anything if i can help it.
i mean, its new york.
there's always another place to go.
but at sam's falafel, down near wall street, where everyone is in a rush..., and carts next to his are deserted, people make time to stand in line!
the grilled eggplant on top is to tasty.
and for 5 bucks you'll get more than you can finish even if you stuff yourself to the very top.
and honestly, after that, you're no good for work.
you may as well go home and take a nap.

thanks for the lunch plan manj. nice call.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All aboard Amtrak

 Boston to New York. 
Snippets of lives flying by.
A crisp fall afternoon.
Fishing, golashes, sweaters, picnics.
Kids. Crying.
Goodbyes on the platform. Hellos.
Trees keep this separate from that.
Then a break. And the worlds seep into each other.
For a second. 
Blink and you'll miss it.
Put down the phone. Stop emailing. Stop texting. 
Just look.